It's been a busy few weeks, but things are slowing down finally. I can finally be with the family without feeling like I've got deadlines and other work-related issues hanging over my head. It's gotten progressively more stressful throughout this year, climaxing during the past few months. Accordingly, I've also become progressively more stressed. However, the worst is over and I can once again be myself. I'm not sure who that is, but at least I feel more human than I have for a long time. We're kinda getting to know one another again - literally. It sounds weird, but I've been working on this project all of Shea's life. He doesn't know me to be anything other than the stressball I've been lately. I wonder if he'll like the "real" me, or at least the current me. I hope so. Hopefully, I've become a better person, but that's all for you to decide. I'm looking forward to reintroducing myself to you all again. I plan to spend a lot more time with those I care about. Family and friends come first now. I've paid my dues and learned my lessons.
Part of recapturing the real me is to take more pictures. To that effect, we're going to need another lens, as our camera lens auto-focus motor is shot. So, we'll be buying one soon. For now, you'll have to be a bit patient until we can get out and take more pictures. Unfortunately, it's 5 degrees out, so it's not really the weather to go outside. Thankfully, I got out a few weeks ago and took some pictures after a recent snowfall. I hope you enjoy them. I'll upload another set in a few minutes from our trip to the Boston Children's Museum.
Doug, Jess, and Shea
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