Saturday, January 16, 2010

Flashback Fotos

Hey everybody,
I finally downloaded the photos that were on our camcorder. So, you get to see some pictures going back to December 7, 2007, just 4 days after Shea was born. It's so hard to think that just 2 years ago, Shea entered our life. I can't really remember what life was like before him. Sure, every now and again I remember the freedom to leave the house without thinking about it, but that doesn't compare to the feeling of coming home after a long day of work and having Shea run into my arms yelling "Daddy" with a huge smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Every day he grows just a bit bigger and I think about how little he once was. I hope you enjoy the flashback. I'm downloading some new video for more updates. Stay tuned!
Doug, Jess, and Shea

First or second photo of our new little man. Can you believe how little he was?

Skittles wasn't so keen about our new arrival. She stalked him for at least 2 days.

"Damn, I'm cute!"

Mesmerized by the big nipple on the ceiling.

The handsome smile has changed, but is still adorable.

One of his first bottles and steps toward independence.

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