Monday, July 20, 2009

Family Forays

Hey everybody!
This week, I was supposed to be sailing aboard Friendship to Halifax, Nova Scotia as part of this year's tall ship races. However, thanks to the shipbuilder straying from the plans, Friendship's stem was improperly built and is rotting out. So, she's still in drydock and I got 2 weeks off to spend as I please. It's all good though, as it gave me some time to get away from the stresses of the office, even if I continued to check emails and work from home.

Our main objective of this time off was to take a jaunt down through NY and PA to visit family. Here are the results. We visited the Bronx Zoo (a zoo trip is a required stopover during any trip anywhere) and took a ride on the Strausburg Railroad through Amish Country. It was a great trip on all accounts. Shea got to play around with gorillas (he gave one a high-five through the glass) and his cousins (who are monkies in their own right). It was great to see the kids playing with each other and to see Shea bond with the grandparents again. I hope you enjoy the latest update!
Doug, Jess, and Shea

Everybody had a great time riding the train, honestly. Eventually Brooke did smile (see below).

Yes, I did try to grow a beard while I'm off. It's a yearly ritual just to see if it's possible. This year, it didn't come out too badly. Still have it to this day...but it may not last much longer.

This is my favorite picture of Brooke ever!
I really should become a photographer one of these days. Shawn, can I be your protégé?

Screamin' down the tracks at 35 miles per hour sets our hair a flowin'.
Shea was really interested in the smoke from the old coal-fired steam engine.

Chillin' with PopPop.

"Trees are much more interesting from the inside!"

Seizing an opportunity, Shea steals Grandpa's cane, leaving him helpless to escape from the prarie dog enclosure.

"Hey, what's the hold-up? Is there an accident ahead or what?"

Note the look of determination on Shea's face as he races the kid beside him riding the panda.

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