Hey everyone!
I'm sorry it's been such a long time since I've posted anything. I've been working nearly non-stop for some time, including weekends, so time has not been all that available. There's a slow spot at work, so I get to have my weekends back for at least a week or two. I'm hoping to put up a few posts during this downtime.
Shea's been doing really well after getting over a bad bout of hand, foot, and mouth disease earlier this month. He and Jess met Grandma and Grandpa for a week on the Cape the first week of August. I joined them for the last 2 days where we rode bicycles, walked on the beach, played in tide pools, splashed in the surf, and had some great quality family time. Since then, he's actually been eating well. I guess all of that beach play made him hungry. However, just when we were getting used to this new way of life (i.e., Shea actually eating his dinner), his appetite waned. We think he's getting in his 2-year molars, as he's been a tad warm, gnawing on everything and anything, cuddling and not wanting to do much physical activity, and, of course, not eating anything. Other than that, he's been talking up a storm, impressing us each and every day with what he picks up. He knows most of his letters, has finally mastered his colors, is beginning to use pronouns correctly, can count up to thirty (including "twenty-teen") and can actively count up to about five items. He really enjoys singing and dancing. We went to O'Neil's this Friday so he could dance to some good Irish music (with the occasional Beatles and Van Morrison song thrown in for good measure). We'll have to make this a habit again just like we used to do before Shea entered our lives. We've been recording some of his antics and are working to edit them down for posting.
I've posted a clip of him singing three of his favorite songs below. The title is Three Songs Full (almost) because as he was singing his "A, B, C's," he was also digging through the cabinets. After he sang "LMNOP," he pulled down a bottle of soy sauce onto the top of our tea jar, sending it crashing onto the floor and smashing it into a million pieces. He kept on singing, but I obviously had to stop recording to clean up the mess. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Doug, Jess, and Shea