Friday, July 30, 2010

Summer Snapshots

Hey everybody,
It's been a busy summer.  We've been doing so many things that it's been hard to find time to keep up the blog.  For some reason, we haven't been taking many pictures of our adventures.  I've posted a few below for your enjoyment though.

So, what have we been up to lately?  Well, we've been going to some of the Thursday night concerts at Crane Beach Estate - a 1920's mansion with rolling lawns (literally) in Ipswich.  It's been great to bring pizza or sandwiches and listen to music or run around the grounds with Shea.  We've also been spending time at the Willows, a park and seasonal arcade boardwalk in Salem.  We've also taken many bike rides and hikes in the woods.  Shea went on his first kayak trip a few weeks ago.  He was so good, sitting in Jess's lap for over 2 hours as we paddled down the Ipswich River.  We saw deer, beavers, herons, ducks, geese, egrets, and turtles, including a snapping turtle we ran over thinking it was a log.  He loved it and wants to go again this weekend.  Last week, I had jury duty all week.  It was interesting, but I don't want to do it again anytime soon.  Jess finished her last class for her master's degree and took her teacher certification exam.  We'll get the results soon, but she's done with her degree and can teach labs at Salem State UNIVERSITY (they changed the name this week) in the fall.  We're so very proud of her.  We went to NY last week on a last-minute trip (you'll see why in the next post).

Shea's growing up so quickly.  We think (knock on wood) that the worst of the terrible 2s are over.  He's been really good and listens very well.  He's also very interested in using the potty.  He's been telling us more and more every time he goes.  He's even used the potty at school and at home in recent weeks.  So, the potty sits in the living room, ready for any need that may arise.  He's getting to be such a big boy.

That's all for now.  Enjoy the pictures and your weekend!
Doug, Jess, and Shea

I'm going to impress my lady with my fleet.  

Yes, dear, I'll go get the you wish!

"Cruising for chicks in my ride.  Firefighters get all the babes."
Seriously, this was one cool toy.  It's a power wheels, so you can drive it, 
the lights and sirens work, and it has a working firehose on the back!!!

Always the performer, Shea prefers to play on top of tables as his stage.

Shea really LOVES basketball.  
We play every night on the porch.  He's even beginning to dribble.

M&Ms melt in your mouth...and on your chin.

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