Mommom and Poppop came to visit last weekend. Thankfully, the weather got better and it actually felt like May rather than March for a change. It was a great visit and we all had a great time. Not only did we bake a cake, but we also got to the zoo and spend some time at the Willows - a seasonal arcade park. Shea is very good at skeeball and earned enough tickets to get some fake vampire teeth and some lollipops - toddler priorities. I can't wait to have Brooke, Paige, and Mavy up here so we can have fun at the arcade with them too. Here are some pics from the weekend. Enjoy!
Doug, Jess, and Shea
Baking with Mommom was top priority.
Shea and Mommom baked a cake, with Shea providing inspiration for the icing decorating the top.
"While daddy's distracting Poppop, I'll just take his camera."
He's a slick one, that Shea Shea.

"Look, Mommom is actually smiling!"
Shea was too scared to ride the giraffe, but Poppop was there to comfort him.
This is a great picture.
I love how Shea's eyes penetrate you even from the screen.
I gave him a weggie in this pic...hehehe.
I gave him a weggie in this pic...hehehe.
Poppop was humming the theme from Bonanza in Shea's ear.
Shea saw hostile injians approaching, or were they just tourists?
Thankfully, the Lone Ranger came to the rescue and scared them away.
Some shots using my new lens. I think they came out pretty well.
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