Friday, June 26, 2009

Marlboro Moments

Hey everybody!
I hope you enjoyed the video clip last week. I'm editing more for nother posting, so stay tuned. Here are some pics we took recently. Not much new to report lately. I survived a very stressful 2-day long meeting in Portland, but the Council finally made the decisions necessary after 2.5 years of debating this latest management action. So, I'm going to be spending the next 3 months intensely writing regulations. Hopefully, there will be fishermen left after we're all done with this. We'll see though. For now, enjoy these pictures.
Doug, Jess, and Shea

"Music is my life; rhythm is my god."

"I rock big hair bigtime!"

"All you need is a good toke once in a while to ease the stress of the day."
(don't worry, it's the plunger from a medicine dropper)

"Cigarettes are bad for you? No kiddin'?"

"All that smoking is aging me before my time."

"Nah, it was just bad lighting! I'm still cute."

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