Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Walk In the Park

Hello everyone!
President Bush used one of his many unrestricted powers to do some good last week (wait, did I just type that?): He gave every Federal employee a day off on Friday. Unfortunately, I didn't think I qualified, as I was already scheduled off. However, thanks to the diligence of our time-and-attendance secretary, I got to leave early today to make up for that presidential privilege. So, here are the results: A new blog entry!!!

Here are a few pictures of a trip to the park we took with Shea Sunday afternoon. It was warm (60 deg.), but VERY wiiindy. Shea had a blast chasing after doggies - his favorite past time. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

In other news, Jess and I should be getting our new TV today - our Christmas present to ourselves. We got the smaller one (32") to maximize the decoration potential should we decide to either put it on the TV stand or hang it on the wall. We'll send pictures either way.

We hope you all enjoy your New Years! Have fun!
Doug, Jess, and Shea

Okay, where are the doggies at? Let me at 'em!

There's one!

That's not a doggie mama, that's a leaf!

"Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man: no time to talk."

See, I'm a woman's man: No time to talk!

Okay, so I like gnomes too!

HA! I got him!

1 comment:

Emily said...

He's so adorable!