Friday, November 14, 2008

Short Man Walking

Hey everybody,
I've been trying to edit and upload some videos so you can enjoy Shea as he grows. I've got a quick clip or two of him walking around the house. He gets better every day, taking more independent steps as he gains his confidence. I hope you enjoy!
Doug, Jess, and Shea

Here he is taking the train for a walk.

Here he is walking all by himself.


Anonymous said...

YIPPEE SHEA MAN! WE ARE SOOOO PROUD OF THOSE WEE LITTLE LEGS OF YOURS! You are doing it buddy. Wish I could give you a great big hug and kiss. Love, your aunt amy!

Anonymous said...

Our Bubby can WALK! We can't wait to see you in person in 2 weeks. MomMom & PopPop are bringing GOODIES!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! From Mommom Lynny & Poppop Denny

Anonymous said...

Great job Shea! I love the Frankenstein walk. Jess and Doug, your lives just got that much more interesting! Christmas is going to be so much fun for you this year...can't wait to get the Christmas card!