In other, news, our truck was maliciously mauled by a medicated mother from Marblehead (like the alliteration?). Jess parked my truck outside Salem State College on Thursday and when she went to drive home, couldn't find the car. She saw some broken glass where she thought she parked it, so she called the police to report it stolen. When she described the truck, the officer said, "Oh yeah, that was hit by a car and totaled." Apparently, they forgot to inform us of that fact. The woman swerved, cause unknown, hitting our truck and causing it to slam into the car in front of it. All 3 cars were totaled. Here's the picture of my truck:

Thankfully, nobody was hurt, including the only bound copy of my thesis. WHEW!! Hopefully, we'll get some decent dough from the insurance company so we can buy a new one. I found a really great deal for a Honda Element from a guy who is moving out of the country. The guy is really nice and we really like the car. Hopefully, financing will work out to make it somewhat affordable without sacrificing too much. Go to this link to see it:
One last thing: For anyone with HBO, check out John Adams tonight. This may be the episode where I may be in the movie. They hired the Friendship as background for a scene where John Adams travels to France. I was wearing a white shirt and pants with green stockings and brown hat when they filmed it last summer. I may be on the bowsprit or hauling on the anchor line. Try to look for me. I'll update you to see if I saw myself. Anyway, Jess is going to post some new pics of Shea soon.
Happy Easter everybody! "Bock, bock!"
Doug, Jess, and Shea
1 comment:
Oh my god you guys, he is an absolute doll. I can't believe how much he has grown already. Jess, he might be carrying you around real soon. Your Mom gave me the link, to see the pics. He is absolutely beautiful...want to give him a big hug. I can't believe what happened to the car, that is so crazy.....Well stay well, hope to see you next time you are in town......Jami
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