It's been a busy week for Shea. He's begun teething. Yes, I said it, he's teething. He's always gnawing on his hand, gumming everything in sight and drooling like a St. Bernard. The doctor felt the top left tooth lurking just under the surface and Jess and I think we've seen glimpses of the tooth just starting to poke out. He's practicing rolling over onto his back, coming within an inch several times. He doesn't give up though, so daddy has the camcorder always at the ready. He's really starting to master grasping at things and swings around his favorite butterfly toy like a 5 month old. It's so much fun seeing him develop as quickly as he has. Kids are great!
I wanted to put up a few pictures of Shea meeting the Lutz side of the family over Christmas. I hope you enjoy these. The next post will be some of Frankie's visits. I'm also playing around with the movie-editing software that came with the new computer. My first assignment is to develop a video montage of Jess's belly evolution. The software has a "Ken Burns" feature (for you PBS and documentary fans) that lets you pan around still pictures during a slideshow. I know, I'm a dork. Anyway, stay tuned!!!
Doug, Jess, and Shea
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