Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dancin' Dude

Hey everybody!
Fall in New England is all about harvest festivals. A few weeks ago, we went to get apples in NH. We had a great time with Barb and the kids. Shea and Jared got butted around by a goat in the petting zoo and all of our bellies were full with yummy apples. Before that, Jess took Shea to a local farm one along with the traditional group of our friends and their kids (I can't recall why, but I stayed home - probably to do some house work). They all had a great time. They had a wagon ride, pumpkins, apples, etc. They also had a band. As you will see, Shea loved the band. This kid is so musical. He's humming, singing, or drumming at all times.
Doug, Jess, and Shea

"Where's all the ladies at?"

"There they is! Hey Mr. DJ, KICK IT!"

Cabage patch anyone?
"Yeah, I can kick it ole' school. You know who my Dada is, don't you?"

Gotta finish with a pose.
"Word to yo Mama!"

"If LL Cool J can kick it with his Kangool hat, I can kick it with my Osh Kosh hat"

Friday, October 16, 2009

Good Guys

Hey everybody,
Here are a few pictures from a recent visit by Mommom and Poppop. It was a great weekend. They brought up a bunch of my old toys. It was fun to see Shea play with toys I played with so long ago, like my Micro Machines, Star Wars and GI Joe figures, toy trucks, etc. What was really fun was watching Shea go through the Star Wars figures with Poppop, identifying the good guys and the bad guys. It wasn't always clear what criteria was being used, but it was clear that Shea had definitive opinions about good and bad. Initially, the Ewoks were considered bad guys, but their resemblance to bears must have won him over, as they eventually became good guys. I'm sure he'll be playing with these toys for years to come. Who knows, maybe I'll be brining the same toys to Shea's house so his child could play with them too. More pictures to come this weekend!
Doug, Jess, and Shea

We found a great playground and sandbox near the New England Aquarium.

You couldn't beat the beautiful day we had to walk around the city.

Not a bad looking bunch of fellas, if I do say so myself.
Going to O'Neils on Friday nights really became a mandatory event after their visit.

"I think R2D2 is a good guy, Poppop"

Peek-a-boo, I see Mommom!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dinosaur Dances

Good morning everybody!
It's a cool rainy Saturday morning, perfect for vegging on the couch, drinking some tea, and editing movies, or watching them, whichever is your preference. Shea is feeling a bit under the weather today (he hates rainy days - can you blame him?) and just wants to cuddle. We were supposed to go apple-picking today, but a day of cuddling is fine by us. We can go next week.

This week is the Topsfield Fair - one of the oldest running county fairs. We missed it last year for some reason, but this year we can't wait to see all of the animals and eat all of the food. For some reason, New Englanders prefer fried dough (just a lump of dough fried with powdered sugar) to funnel cake, so it won't be the same as the old Reading Fair, but that's ok. We'll just have to pig out on something else. We'll post some pictures next week.

Here's a video of Shea singing and dancing to a song he just learned this week - the dinosaur song. The words are pretty simple: "We are dinosaurs, marching, marching. We are dinosaurs, we make the world flat!" Shea loves this song, as he gets to pretend he's a dinosaur. He also likes to crawl around, pretending he's a bear, or an alligator. I guess he has a preference for apex predators. Don't all kids his age?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
Doug, Jess, and Shea