Winter in New England can be wicked beautiful (yeah, I used wicked in a sentence). That is, when it's not 12 degrees, sleeting, and blowing 30 knots. Winter can be a real pissa' sometimes. There haven't been too many days when it's been nice enough to go outside lately. Luckily, we've brought the camera out when it actually has been nice. So far, it's been the coldest winter we've experienced since we've been up here these past 6 years; it's heading to be one of the snowiest too. Today we got another 6 inches. Soon the backyard will be on level with the driveway with all of the snow I've been throwing back there.
I'm hoping to get some videos up of Shea's growing vocabulary. Every day seems to bring new words into his lexicon. Unfortunately, he's not interested in being our trained monkey, so we'll have to patch together clips when we're lucky enough to capture them on film. For now, here are a few pictures from some of our jaunts into the cold. I hope you enjoy!
Doug, Jess, and Shea

This stream is just beginning to freeze.

This one's getting closer, but is still free flowing.

This one wasn't so lucky.

It's amazing what nature can do with two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Thank goodness for crystal lattice structure! Yeah, I'm a dork. I did get a B+ in organic chemistry.

Today, we took a walk down Federal Street. Salem is gorgeous, even in winter.

Unfortunately, winter can take a toll on cameras. The auto focus stopped working during our walk. Perhaps that's a good thing. I'm probably more handsome this way.

Manual focus works just fine though.
"Ralphy! Wait up Ralphy!"

From this vantage point, I can peg you with snowballs all day! You're mine biatch!