Hello everybody,
Some very wise person once called a child's laughter as the most wonderful sound you'll ever hear. We couldn't agree more. Here are two clips of Shea proving that person correct. In the first one, Jess was attacking Shea's belly from on high (he loves anticipating tickling, whether from us or stuffed animals). He carried on like this for nearly 10 minutes until both his and our bellies and faces hurt from laughing. The next one was a quick babble that we were able to capture. He first started babbling this weekend and actually says "Da-Da" when I walk into the room. We're working on perfecting "Ma-Ma." If these clips don't put life into perspective, I don't know what can!
More clips are soon to follow, as I learn how to use the movie-editing software. For now, enjoy what we get to enjoy every day!
Doug, Jess, and Shea
If you listen closely, he cat-calls during the middle of this clip. That's my boy!
Shea really loves his daddy!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Speaking in Tongues ;-}
Hi Everyone,
Happy Summer Everyone! Sorry for taking so long between posts. Doug, Shea and I have had a rash of colds, eye and ear infections, etc. the past few weeks so we've been a little out of it.
Shea seems to be doing new things every time we turn around. In the past 3 weeks, he's rolled over completely (forwards and backwards), learned to sit up by himself, had a tooth pop out (finally!) and the big one: he's babbling constantly, and it's starting to actually sound like something!
He's started saying 'dada' a lot in the past day or two. And he usually says it when he's looking at Doug, so I think he's making the connection there. I could swear he said 'kitty cat' this morning, although it was pretty garbled.
In other news, Doug's going on the Friendship up to Boothbay Harbor, ME this coming week. I'm going to join him Thursday for a mini-vacation, which means Shea gets to have some unadulterated Grandma time with my mom for a few days...who will wear out whom first ;)
I think that's all for now. Hope all is well with all of you. And we'll really try to post more often :D
Jess, Doug & Shea
And now for what you really check the blog for...Shea pics!

I've got a huge hat on my noggin', don't I? It's all good. I can work the trucker look!

What do you think of my Farah Fawcet pose? Wow, this hat actually fits him!

Happy Summer Everyone! Sorry for taking so long between posts. Doug, Shea and I have had a rash of colds, eye and ear infections, etc. the past few weeks so we've been a little out of it.
Shea seems to be doing new things every time we turn around. In the past 3 weeks, he's rolled over completely (forwards and backwards), learned to sit up by himself, had a tooth pop out (finally!) and the big one: he's babbling constantly, and it's starting to actually sound like something!
He's started saying 'dada' a lot in the past day or two. And he usually says it when he's looking at Doug, so I think he's making the connection there. I could swear he said 'kitty cat' this morning, although it was pretty garbled.
In other news, Doug's going on the Friendship up to Boothbay Harbor, ME this coming week. I'm going to join him Thursday for a mini-vacation, which means Shea gets to have some unadulterated Grandma time with my mom for a few days...who will wear out whom first ;)
I think that's all for now. Hope all is well with all of you. And we'll really try to post more often :D
Jess, Doug & Shea
And now for what you really check the blog for...Shea pics!
I've got a huge hat on my noggin', don't I? It's all good. I can work the trucker look!
What do you think of my Farah Fawcet pose? Wow, this hat actually fits him!
I'm a sexy babeh! Future Burt Reynolds, maybe?
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